Saturday, 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas to you all. Thanks for reading my blog this year and for all your comments. I hope you have a lovely break. xx

Monday, 19 December 2011

A gorgeous Xmas present

Possibly too beautiful to use? Certainly the most stylish tea towel I have ever had. Eloise is selling them in her shop. I feel very lucky.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

A Russian feel

Whenever I see pictures I like, I drag them into a folder on the desktop of interesting things, and from time to time I am reminded of them. 
Today I came across these photos of Russia 100 years ago, courtesy of fine little day.

I am completely absorbed in them. The landscapes, the buildings, the costumes, the expressions on the faces of the people and the story they tell of the life those people lead. Some of them are shocking (the water carrier with his water in pig skins and the boy shepherd, so young and without shoes). Really a magical find.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Time for a song! Here's Ella.

Hello world. It's time for a song. Everyone I know is feeling tired, jaded right now, but this should help. The voice of Ella Fitzgerald is like a tonic, it always revives me. As long as she lived, as long as she sang, she sounded like a 20 year old on a spring day. Enjoy.

Thursday, 8 December 2011


I'm looking for some wallpaper at the moment to do a feature wall in the dining/living area. So far, Designers Guild are winning. They do such beautiful designs and their lifestyle shots are to die for.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Little Red Riding Hood

A while ago I really wanted to do some more work on little Red Riding Hood. But then I saw this work by Ann Wood and I thought, give up. You couldn't do it better.

You have to watch the little slide show. It is utterly enchanting.

Here is me, aged 4, dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. I LOVED that hen basket. That little fellow behind me dressed as an Elf is pretty great in his red knitted tights, and that clown is definitive :)
Have you got any good photos of you as a kid in fancy dress?