Sunday, 13 September 2015

A summer trip to London

Back in August, we went down to London to stay with my little sis in her very stylish flat for a couple of days. Liv's a wonderful hostess and great cook, who keeps the food and drink coming; just how we like it!
She's a bit camera shy, but somehow I managed to get a few snaps...
We spent a bit of time mooching around, a little trip up to Herne Hill and Brockwell Park, with a nice walk home through all the back streets, admiring the lovely old houses and gardens. London's a great city for walking, especially if you have time and it's a summer's day.
This is a park straight from the 1970s, the glory days of English parkland! You could just see that photo on a coaster, couldn't you? Crazy paving and the miniature houses. That's especially for you, Em.
We had tickets to go and see the Elvis exhibition at the O2. I think I'm right in saying this is the biggest exhibition of artifacts they've ever had, outside of Graceland, from whence they were borrowed.
Such a little cutie. Did you know his 3x great grandmother was a full blown Cherokee? Morning White Dove. Isn't that a beautiful name?
Elvis died on my dad's birthday, when I was ten. They immediately scheduled a season of programmes about him including a selection of his films. Our parents let us have the black and white portable TV up in our bedroom, which we plonked on a chair. My sisters and I spent most of the summer holidays laid on our beds, with the curtains closed, kicking our legs, singing along to the songs and debating who fancied him the most.
Pestering the poor fellow in my 1960s Hawaiian jumpsuit. You have to dress the part.

Looks like it was me!
There was some fabulously groovy posters, but the lighting was such that it was difficult to photograph anything well. But look at this one. The girl to the left of Elvis is in a bikini which looks like it's made from exactly the same print as my dress! 

It's a sign. Of what, I just don't know.

I really like what this telegram says about Elvis as a person:

'Dear Colonel

Please convey my thanks to the various groups in Memphis who have suggested a special homecoming for me when I return to Memphis. However I wish to return to Memphis the same way that any other serviceman returns to his hometown, without ceremony or fanfare. I served as they served and was proud to do it. Seeing the city of Memphis, my family, friends and fans will be the most welcome sight in the world to me. I appreciate their kind gesture and know they will understand and I am glad you are in agreement with me on this.'

It was a great exhibition, with a really happy feel to it. There were loads of fascinating things to look at. You heard his voice, both speaking and singing. It felt like a celebration and everyone came out smiling.

Friday, 4 September 2015

A stitch in time

Do you ever find being a grown up is a bit flippin' dull? Too many jobs to do, not enough fun to be had?
I've been making shortbread this year. Delicious.
My To Do list is a right little dictator. When it's not looking, I manage to squeeze in a bit of what I fancy. And that usually involves eating, drinking, sleeping or making things.
Red and black currants from the allotment combined make a lovely jam
My first ever batch of homemade scones, with our homemade jam. A cream tea is a must at some point in the summer

One of the things I will most miss about the summer, is the ready supply of fresh flowers from the garden
Just as the summer has decided to turn the lights off and vacate the building, I've started making summer wear. I don't give up that easily. My most frequent phrase during the month of September is 'Indian Summer'. In the early days I say it in a jaunty, optimistic tone of voice. Upbeat. By about the 15th, if there's no sunshine I start to waver, but we're not there yet, so it's playsuits all round.
I had a pattern for the shorts, but made the top up as I went along. It turned out OK. That's my best cheesecake pose

I always push it with the fabric, ekeing it out, often sewing bits of fabric together to make a piece big enough to cut a pattern piece out of, but this time I think I've achieved a PB (personal best). Pushed it to the max. There's just about enough fabric left to make a jacket for a mouse.
Once again, my mum was the inspiration for this outfit. Here she is in summer 1966, camping in the Alps, pregnant with me
Also, a while back, I made a bikini! As you do. Well, after a fraught experience in a changing room, I've discovered that vintage bikinis aren't quite cut for my proportions, shall we say. This was a soft as silk curtain from Chesterfield market. It's lined, but yet to see water, so not sure whether it will be like one of those pens where the pin up girl is in a bikini when you hold it one way and butt-naked when you hold it the other way. I'll need to test it out in the bath before I hit the pool. Don't want to be asked to leave. With the leftovers, I made a matching bag.
Hope you are finding the time to squeeze some fun things in amongst all the grown up necessary stuff. Have a great weekend everyone.