It's like a posh car boot sale. You find all sorts, with prices ranging for pennies to pounds. I rather liked these chairs. I'm a bit of a sucker for a piece of 1940s chintz. But the thing which is keeping me awake at night is a gilt demi-lune table which I decided against. The stallholder is rather dashing with a mop of blonde hair, which makes him look like Tarzan. Since everyone has to have a name, he is Lord Greystoke. His stock was all rather beautiful, picked up in France I would say.
The day started off cold and wet, but look, the sun shines on us bloggers! There's Vix, Curtise and Curtise's lovely friend Joanne.
Some more lovely ladies, stallholders Jo and Amanda, plus this beautiful gardener with her psychedelic dress and yellow headband.
I wore this fabulous skirt given to me by Curtise, who pretty much clothes us all with her fabulous gifts. The blouse belonged to my grandmother and was originally white. Vix pronounced it vintage M&S. With my russian scarf, the look I was going for was Romanian gypsy woman.
We spent a large part of the day snuggled up in Wetherspoons. It's become such a tradition we can't imagine going anywhere without one.
Look at Curtise's face! Those eyes are pleading for me to stop taking photos and pour us out our liquid desert. How could anyone resist?
We always have such a lovely time together, chatting, laughing, rummaging, posing. We meet the kindest strangers, who are always happy to join in the fun and take our picture, like here, in the poshest loos.
But it's not just the kindness of strangers, my friends brought presents too! A 70s Marks and Spencer blouse and a Style dress pattern from Vix, and a Dutch doll from Curtise. I bought the cute little Spanish embroidered postcards and the orange curtains. I have hopes of transforming them into a trouser suit!
Look, more clothes from Curtise! I look a bit Housewife, 49 in this wrapover African fabric dress which fits me perfectly, and I get to be Vix's twin in this Horrockses 1970s maxi skirt.

Let the bloggy-get-together season commence!