Monday, 28 February 2011

Eloise Renouf

Today I am celebrating the work of artist Eloise Renouf who recently started up an etsy shop selling her beautiful art prints. 

She has a wonderfully sophisticated sense of colour and great composition. I love the titles of her pieces. So many leaves, so little time, Nothing but rain and Lollipop trees to name a few. 

Eloise has designed for studios in London and New York as well as co-running her own publishing company, Eloise R. She is inspired by all things patterned and decorative and cites mid century patterns and prints and country walking as things she love. I think you get a real sense of that in her work. 

Tomorrow we visit her house! 

Saturday, 26 February 2011

A breakthrough and a lovely package

I've been puzzling for weeks over why I can't comment on my own blog and I've finally cracked it. Can't tell you how pleased I am. It felt so rude not being able to reply. And also, I am always pleased when I manage to firstly understand technology and secondly master just a little bit of it. It's one of those areas like cars, where you feel there ought to be a nice man around to fix it for you while you go all helpless and grateful.
Look what I got through the post today. 
I love the way creative people go to so much trouble to make things that 'don't matter' look so beautiful. 
It enhances the whole experience so much. 
This package is from the lovely lady at Misako Mimoko who I blogged about the other day.

Right! On with the weekend! Have a lovely one :)

Friday, 25 February 2011


When I was a kid, I spent hours totally absorbed in drawing. Nowadays I don't seem to do it so much, although once I get started I can cover sheets in no time. I used to want to perfect how I drew, but now I just draw for ideas and don't so much worry how it looks. I think that suits me better.
Mostly they end up for cards as that is my day job, but I also like to make things. Can you match the drawings to the finished article?
Elisabeth Dunker at Fine Little Day has started a gallery of kids drawings.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Gnomeo and Juliet

A film about gnomes? This I have to see.

I am hoping it is going to take the West Side Story approach by adapting both the story and dialogue in a modern way rather than the Baz Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet one which updated the situation but retained the Shakespearean language.

Some little gnome candles I bought in Barcelona a few years ago.

You can see my favourite garden gnome here.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Pictures on the wall

We've been in this house for six months now. There is still so much to do that we hadn't bothered with pictures.

But all those white walls are getting to me, so here we go! A wall with some colour.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Every Monday we start again

These are words my sister recently said to me and they made an impression.

I like the idea of putting last week behind you, however awful it was, and having the chance of a fresh start every Monday if you need it.

So I've decided, this week is going to be a good one.
I love these little dolls by Eva Monleon of Misako Mimoko. Find more about her work here

Sunday, 20 February 2011

A proper weekend day

Today we have had a nice productive day doing things for the house.

He made a cupboard for the boiler, I sorted out some pictures for the wall. And of course made sure the worker got regular cups of tea.

This was the soundtrack.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

A strange thing has happened to my website

My website has been playing up for a couple of weeks now in different ways, but yesterday it became most alarming. It looks like my site has been taken over by Microsoft IIS7. Also, from being the first few results for a number of years, I am suddenly almost impossible to find on google.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what could have happened and what I can do about it?

It feels a bit like I'm in an alien B-movie...
If I don't blog for a while, it's because they've got me.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Lesser Spotted

As promised, here is the work of Dominic Greyer for his card company Lesser Spotted Images.

I love the pictures that he takes; the black and white serenity of the countryside along with the humour of the names. 
We often find ourselves as show companions, and I must say he is a lovely person to have on the next stand. Always cheerful and with a ready supply of chocolate. :)
You can buy cards, cushions, coasters, mugs and his great book from his website

Monday, 14 February 2011

Road signs

On the way out to the motorway yesterday I stopped off at the village where I grew up to take these photos. As kids, Boozer Pit and Sandy Hole always used to intrigue us. On the way over to Taunton there is also Folly Drove, which I really like because I love Follies as buildings. I also play this little game with myself where I build sentences around it, like Folly drove…me round the bend, or Folly drove…a rather battered 1968 Ford Cortina…Folly drove to London to see the Queen…

But I wouldn't have thought to photograph them if it weren't for a man called Dominic Greyer. Tomorrow I'll show you what I mean.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've come back to flowers all around and bubbly in the fridge. It's good to be home :)

I just came across this lovely Valentine's entry at this blog thanks to Camilla Engman who mentioned it on her blog.

Friday, 11 February 2011

It's a bit of a grey day

Do you ever just need a burst of colour?
For me it's like food. I feel better now.

When I was little my favourite colour was brown, but only because that was the colour of my teddy and I loved him so much. He went everywhere with me. He lived in my arm pit. When I was about 4 or 5, he changed into a she. I made lots of little outfits for her.
If s/he looks a little shy, it's because s/he doesn't really like having his/her photo taken.

Still haven't figured out how to comment, but I am working on it.

Thursday, 10 February 2011


I would really like to be able to respond to comments on my blog but I don't seem to be able to. Does anyone have any top technical tips they could share with me?

I'm going to make a little side table out of this tray.

A little drawing of a bicycle made for two. I think that might be the man of the house up front.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Wu and Wu

Yesterday I visited the Spring Fair at the NEC in Birmingham. It is the mother of all trade fairs. I caught up with some friends, talked some business and then went for a wander.

We visited Wu and Wu, whose work I adore. At each trade fair I treat myself to something from their collection.

Today I am leading a pirate workshop. Yo ho ho me hearties! I might need a bottle of rum by the end of it...