Monday, 7 February 2011

Wu and Wu

Yesterday I visited the Spring Fair at the NEC in Birmingham. It is the mother of all trade fairs. I caught up with some friends, talked some business and then went for a wander.

We visited Wu and Wu, whose work I adore. At each trade fair I treat myself to something from their collection.

Today I am leading a pirate workshop. Yo ho ho me hearties! I might need a bottle of rum by the end of it...


Andrea said...

Hi there Tania,
How funny for you to mention Wu and Wu, I am going to stock their things in my shop!! I lovr their things so much!
Just plucking up the courage to spend more!!! Hope you had a good fair,
Andrea x

freckleface said...

Ooh Andrea, nice choice! If their stand at trade fairs is anything to go by, your investment will be a good one. x