Monday, 30 May 2011

Nosey blackbird

We have a regular visitor to our garden in the form of this little blackbird. 
He hops around over what is left of the lawn, looking for worms. 
He is so busy that I can only assume he is feeding a new brood of little blackies. 
Since we had the garage taken down on Friday and now are digging out the old path in preparation for doing major works in the garden, he has been more visible than ever. All that freshly turned over earth is perfect. 
But you know, even when he has a mouth full of worms, he still keeps hopping around having a good old mooch. I think he is checking out our progress. I wonder if he approves.

From the garden and for the garden

Sunday, 29 May 2011

London meetings

I was down in London the other day for some meetings, one of which took place in the most beautiful little hotel. I loved the combination of the antique tapestry curtains (yes, tapestry, must have taken years for someone to do them) the old carved wooden dogs and the wooden floor boards. Then leading up those beautiful stone steps into the drawing room.

A small window onto another world.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Red or Dead - Wayne Hemingway

This morning I read a really touching article about Wayne Hemingway in which he and his son were asked to describe each other and their relationship. I think family relationships can often be so difficult, but this one obviously works wonderfully and their adoration of and admiration for one another shines through.
Sometimes on TV he can come across as a bit cocky, but this made me look at him in a completely different light. Here's a great article including a mini bio and the work he is involved in now. Did you know his father is a Mohawk Indian called Billy Two Rivers? How wonderful.
My Red or Dead shoes. Whenever I wear them I think of Marilyn Monroe cheesecake photos. 

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Winifred Nicholson

If I lived somewhere, anywhere, it could even be a cave, and I was only allowed one decorative item to cheer things up, that one thing would be flowers. I love flowers. Large or small, scented or unscented, brightly coloured or really subtle, blowsy or modest, I love them all.

And someone who captures the decorative beauty of them better than anyone for me, is the wonderful Winifred Nicholson.
This last one is a bonus ball just because I love the delicacy of touch, the colour combinations and how she has made something so ordinary look so exquisitely ethereal.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Card and Gift Blog

The lovely Charlotte at the card and gift blog has featured freckleface today. And a very kind post it is too.

This blog has been going since December 2009 and is gathering quite a readership now. Charlotte features all that is good and interesting in the worlds of cards and gifts so it makes for a truly inspiring daily read.

The card and gift blog has featured freckleface cards before, so they are focusing on gifts this time round.

Thank you Charlotte :)


Sunday, 15 May 2011

In search of...

Off we went down my favourite type of country lanes. Trees overhead, grass down the middle of the road. 
We got directions from my favourite type of gentleman; one with a soft country accent and a gentle manner.

There were hedgerows and an impromptu picnic in a field of buttercups.
And what we went in search of. Beautiful bluebell woods.

Monday, 9 May 2011

1940's day part 2

"Yes, we've got some sausages. I can let you have two per person this week."

However did they manage?

1940's day part 1

Last week I went to this fabulous 1940's knees up.

It was all there. Churchill addressing his people, rationing coupons, air raid shelters complete with wardens, digging for victory, music and dancing, the armed forces and loads of glorious outfits.
Please forgive the sudden glut of Union Jacks in my posts. It isn't deliberate, just happened that way.