Monday, 22 April 2013

It's Earth Day

Apparently it's Earth Day today. Which fits in perfectly with the weekend we've had which we spent working like dogs in the garden, elbow deep in the stuff.

I did well at the First Car Boot of the Season, getting climbing plants, alpines and bedding plants as well as two enormous bunches of roses for a song. Well, not literally, I don't think anyone would give me anything if I started singing. Although maybe to make me go away.

I do love a dry stone wall, both the look of them and the fact that the idea is so simple and yet so clever. The man of the house built that with his own hands last summer. I was a labourer's assistant, moving sandy old chunks of stone around. Glamour is my byword.

That purple plant is aubretia. I want to get some edelweiss in there too.

Below here is an everlasting sweet pea and a clematis to go over the rose arch. I want honeysuckle and jasmine too for the scent. In the summer I love falling asleep with a little posy of honeysuckle by my bedside. At night the perfume is so beautiful.

It was quite a focussed expedition to the FCBofS, because he was with me and I had emotionally blackmailed persuaded him to come entirely based on the premise that we were going for plants.

However I did manage one or two small purchases. My technique is to dart very quickly when he is not paying attention. I make my purchase with ruthless efficiency, then enjoy watching his bemused expression as he realises he has lost me and I see him looking round, blinking. My mother used to have a similar shopping technique, so it can't be my fault if it's genetic, can it?

I saw this little lampshade and thought it would be perfect with this deer lamp I've had for ages.

I found this Regency Ware 1960s bin at the car booty and since this post is becoming very floral, I thought I would show you this Sanderson cushion I got a couple of weeks ago in the charity shop.

Finally, on Nature Watch, a pair of carved wooden goat bookends.

According to the lady in the chazza, these were dropped off by a gentleman who lived in the former Rhodesia. I do love to hear any titbits I can about my newly acquired possessions, and if they have an exotic past which involves travel, so much the better.

I like what Keith at Musings of an Unapologetic dreamer has to say about Earth day.

What I have to say is Happy Earth Day earthlings!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Liquorice allsorts

It's been a whirlwind of a week.

Saturday was very grown up. We finished some impromptu tiling in the kitchen. It now looks like a proper kitchen and the kind of thing that only real grown ups could possibly get excited about.

Saturday night saw us going round to our friends for a cheese and wine evening. It was like a grown up picnic. But we still got as drunk as foolish youths. And stayed up late. Yeah.

I went as a Spanish senorita. With big hair as practised on the left.

On Sunday, a rare trip into town for some emergency work shirts. We came across an International market in the Market Square. A whole stall of French garlic. Four Dutch lavenders for a fiver.
The Winner Takes it All, tiquana style, followed by Strangers in the Night. It was joyful. I got sucked in by the sound of Edith Piaf and found myself buying Artisan olive bread. 
I've messed around with this cupboard. Tried three colours so far and it's still not right. But I've lost the will to carry on, so baby pink it remains until inspiration strikes.
From a source unknown, I found the strength to clean the bathroom. Yes, I manage this lifestyle without staff. I know.

Today I received a gorgeously presented parcel in the post from my friend Serena. She thought this little picture was very 'me'. She was right. I want to live right there, in one of those little wooden houses.

Finally, I've just been door stepped by a cold caller. He was selling a potion for cleaning window frames. He started scrubbing before I could think of a nice way to say 'Go away please'.  I was a sitting duck. Those frames haven't been cleaned in the three years we have been here, so they scrubbed up a treat. His potion was made to look magical and his sentence and breath went on for several minutes. I handed over the money just to stop him talking. Spit would have done just as well.

Have a lovely weekend, and remember, don't answer the door bell. You too could end up with a potful of blue gunk.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

The great bloggy meet up

We came from the North, South and East and converged on the West. The West Midlands to be specific, courtesy of our lovely Vix! 

Our host was beautiful, warm and vivacious, just like on her blog. And people really do randomly talk to her. As we were crossing the road a lady shouted out, 'I love your trousers'.
The girls. I love this picmonkey poncho shot by Curtise of us all, which I have 'borrowed'. Permission is pending. Sorry Curtise, so cheeky of me :D
Just like the three Kings, we came bearing gifts.
Alpine dishes for the wall from Clare and a picture from the 50p stall. Vix thinks it might be St Patrick.
The other 'Kings' were Clare, who is so sweet and friendly with a great eye for finding treasure and Curtise who arrived late but brought bags of energy and fun to the proceedings.
Poinsettia dishes and neon bright gloves from Curtise. Bavarian kissing couple bottle stopper from Vix.
He man brooch from Clare

The agenda read as follows:

1 coffee at the art gallery

2 mooch round the market, fighting off the competition to find cheap treasures at the 20p stall
The trim stall, and my rainbow buys

3 meet Curtise and go for lunch
Crinoline lady bookend and Irish pixie from the 20p stall, kitsch book and baby doll nightie from naughty Vix!

4 go to Second to None
Apron and silky top, love the prints

June, the owner, Curtise, Clare, Vix in the Aladdin's cave which is Second to None.
5 Have as much fun as possible doing all the aforementioned.

6 Try to stop talking long enough to take some pictures.

We stormed it!

Thank you so much to these lovely ladies for inviting me to join in the fun. I had a blast! I ended up with sore cheekbones from laughing so much. Always a good sign. xx

Monday, 1 April 2013

No sign of the Easter Bunny yet

Well, I can tell you, my last post proved educational for me. Robin Asquith, Russ Meyer, there's been talk of milkmen and naughty neighbours. The man of the house apparently knew these names already as they were met with snorts of laughter. Fancy.
Well, this weekend, I have been seedy in a different way.
The annual seed planting is underway. We started with crops: sweet corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes, french beans. He commented on my sowing technique. Said Monty Don wouldn't have me in his garden. A lively and frank discussion ensued.

But I can't complain because he has been working his socks off scraping floorboards in our bedroom. An unenviable task. He uses broken glass to scrape old varnish off and wire wool to scrub. I think I might need to make some tasty tea tonight.

I have been on painting duty. Pimped up this mirror. I did have before pictures but they have mysteriously vanished. It was metal.

This 1930's children's cupboard is going to get the treatment too.

These handles may be involved.

I also cracked and went to the chazzas. It's been weeks, people! These brooches were a highlight of my trip, found in the same shop as the mirror and this little pixie who has settled in with the Hula Honey twins.

We also watched Withnail and I and an Argentinian film called The Secret in their eyes. I really love foreign films.

What have you all been up to then? Chocfest or virtuous? Home alone or out on the town?