Sunday, 29 March 2015

Three go chazzing in Chezza

It's been nearly a year since we last went to Chesterfield and its fabulous Thursday market. Can't believe we resisted the urge for so long.
It's like a posh car boot sale. You find all sorts, with prices ranging for pennies to pounds. I rather liked these chairs. I'm a bit of a sucker for a piece of 1940s chintz. But the thing which is keeping me awake at night is a gilt demi-lune table which I decided against. The stallholder is rather dashing with a mop of blonde hair, which makes him look like Tarzan. Since everyone has to have a name, he is Lord Greystoke. His stock was all rather beautiful, picked up in France I would say.
The day started off cold and wet, but look, the sun shines on us bloggers! There's Vix, Curtise and Curtise's lovely friend Joanne.
Some more lovely ladies, stallholders Jo and Amanda, plus this beautiful gardener with her psychedelic dress and yellow headband.
I wore this fabulous skirt given to me by Curtise, who pretty much clothes us all with her fabulous gifts.  The blouse belonged to my grandmother and was originally white. Vix pronounced it vintage M&S. With my russian scarf, the look I was going for was Romanian gypsy woman.
We spent a large part of the day snuggled up in Wetherspoons. It's become such a tradition we can't imagine going anywhere without one. 

Look at Curtise's face! Those eyes are pleading for me to stop taking photos and pour us out our liquid desert. How could anyone resist? 
We always have such a lovely time together, chatting, laughing, rummaging, posing. We meet the kindest strangers, who are always happy to join in the fun and take our picture, like here, in the poshest loos.

But it's not just the kindness of strangers, my friends brought presents too! A 70s Marks and Spencer blouse and a Style dress pattern from Vix, and a Dutch doll from Curtise. I bought the cute little Spanish embroidered postcards and the orange curtains. I have hopes of transforming them into a trouser suit!
Look, more clothes from Curtise! I look a bit Housewife, 49 in this wrapover African fabric dress which fits me perfectly, and I get to be Vix's twin in this Horrockses 1970s maxi skirt. 
Anyway, they say a picture paints a thousand words, so here's the day in picture form. We three out having a FAB time! 

Let the bloggy-get-together season commence!


Anonymous said...

Another great blogger meet up! Such lovely photos of you all and that green maxi skirt suits you to a. t! Xx

Helga said...

You foxes!
You are working that gypsy look like a PRO! Loving that skirt, and all your goodies, and I always love a gander at you 3 divoon creatures rocking it up! O to be the meat in that sandwich! JEALOUS!

Vix said...

What a fab day we had, boozing, rummaging and being buffeted by the wind!
That African frock fits like a dream and so does that Horrockses skirt. I blame the onion rings on not being able to do up the hooks on Thursday.
Can't wait to see an orange Tania-made trouser suit. I expect you to wear it next time we meet! xxxxx

Bobbi said...

What a fun day! You all look so amazing in your cool clothes - I'll bet no one could keep there eyes off you!
I'm giggling at Helga's comment. I agree with her.

Fiona said...

I'm very disappointed not to see a sneaky snap of Lord Greystoke, although the mention of a mop of blonde hair and Tarzan reference has me imagining Michael Heseltine! Superb gifts from the girls, the gypsy blouse and Housewife 49 dress, I love.
Here's to more blogger meet-ups. xx

Curtise said...

Fab is quite right! It is always a joy to see you, darling, and we do love a rummage and a chat, don't we? I'm pleased the yellow print dress fits so well (are you taking it shorter or leaving it as a midi?) and yay, you and Vix look fantastic in those matching Horrockses!
Those postcards are so sweet, and yes yes yes to an orange trouser suit, that would be COOL!
Ha, you've captured my "pour me a Porn Star" face for posterity, that made me laugh!
First day out of the year - many more to come, I hope. xxxx

Sue said...

What a great day out with those two lovelies!! That apron frock is perfect, I have a pattern for one of those, I may have been inspired to sew!! Love your gypsy look.

Ivy Black said...

Indeedy! The summer does bring us out. Mind you, that was a cold day in Chesterfield I hear. Lovely to see you all together ...wished I could have come. The Flea market looks fab and what terrific stuff to choose from.
Love your Housewife 49 frock and the twin Horrockses maxi. Can't wait to see your bright orange trouser suit. Grrrrr!

Lally said...

It looks like such a fab day out! Your ensemble is truly wondrous, especially that skirt. I adore the shirt that Vix gave you too, such a pretty shape, especially those sleeve cuffs! How exciting about your plans for the orange curtains, an orange trouser suit sounds like a marvellous thing. XXX

diaryofapennypincher said...

Ooh, so jealous of your visit to Chesterfield, it looks like a great place to rummage. Love your Romanian gypsy look, so 70's, and that pic of Curtise waving an empty glass!!

Vanessa said...

Beautiful ladies, vintage, and frocks. Love it :)