Wednesday 9 March 2011

Sky, Bristol

On Monday, on my way back to Nottingham, I dropped by Clifton Village in Bristol, which is home to one of my freckleface outlets, Sky.
It's a very pretty shop with a lovely Georgian frontage painted turquoise blue. Clifton is such a charming area of Bristol, with lots of small independent shops.
Opposite was this really lovely flower shop. It was full of beautiful flowers which were almost singing "Spring is here" and smelled how heaven must smell.


Tracy Glover said...

The shops look great. What beautiful fronts they have. They look exactly my kind of thing, I would love a pootle around in them.

freckleface said...

You are right Tracy, they are absolutely beautiful. I never stop being delighted when I see my outlets and feel so lucky that they choose to take my stuff :)