Sunday, 18 September 2011

Another weekend, another walk

But this time it was a leisurely evening walk.

But mainly this weekend has been about this type of thing. It feels so autumnal, that this feels exactly what we should be doing.
At the moment, I don't feel really inspired to produce any new design work, there's too much else filling up all the space. But nature always revives me and makes me feel refreshed and energised to carry on dealing with all the stuff that life throws at you. It helps to put everything into perspective.

A friend recently told me that according to the Buddhist philosophy, in life we all have 84 problems. But what is important is how you deal with them. Food for thought.


ric-rac said...

Lovley photo's Miss F. I love this time of year. The sunlight is warm and orange, I love the golden leaves and I like snuggling up in warm and cosy clothes. I Hope you get your design mojo back soon and that life starts throwing some good things at you. Love S x

freckleface said...

Thank you Ric-Rac, that's really kind, it was a lovely golden evening. Your description of autumn is charming and inviting. As for inspiration, I know it will come when I have the time and energy to do something about it. :) And life, well it throws good and bad doesn't it? As I get older, I think I get more adept at grasping the good when it comes along and try to just let the bad wash over me. Doesn't always work, but that's what wine was invented for!! :) xxx