Friday 6 January 2012

Foxy footstool

There are quite a few little projects in the pipeline here at freckleface HQ.

This is a little footstool I bought at a car booty last summer for the princely sum of £2. I have been meaning to refurbish it for some time. I knew I wanted the fabric to be orange and white and quite graphic, but couldn't find exactly what I wanted. When I saw this tea towel by Lush designs, I decided it would do very nicely, thank you.

I had always remembered this picture by Kirchner because of the fantastic complementary colours in the dressing gown, and I knew I wanted to go for that contrast.
Anyway, here is the project from beginning to end.


Olivia said...

You have been busy lately at freckleface hq! It looks lovely xx

freckleface said...

Why, thank you! :) xx