Friday, 3 May 2013

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down, start all over again

If I had to describe my 2013 so far, I would say positive but totally frenzied. And none more so than these last few weeks.

Three weeks ago, for various reasons, I decided to move my Mum from 200 miles away to just up the road from me, so now I have a new playmate close by. That was quite a momentous project. On a lovely sunny day yesterday we went to nearby Wollaton Park for a wander round the lake. They filmed the latest Batman film here in 2011. The 16th century Elizabethan mansion was used as Wayne Manor.
In the meantime our neighbours went away so we have been frantically trying to do some big outside jobs before their return to avoid as much friction as possible. Voila! A massive brown fence. I know you're going to be both fascinated and impressed. How can you help it?
And finally, I got a phone call one day to tell me that the warehouse which housed my entire stock from the greeting card and gift business I ran for seven years from 2004-11 and which I had put on hold whilst I was busy with family stuff, had gone bankrupt. I had just over an hour to go in and sort out all my stock. Needless to say, thousands of pounds worth of stock ended up in the skip and that is the end of the business.

But I have no regrets. It was a good business. I achieved so many ambitions, I exported my product across three continents via my distributors, I supplied the shops I specifically wanted to at the outset such as Selfridges and Paperchase as well as several hundreds of other brilliant galleries, giftshops and department stores across the world, I ran a team of sales agents across the UK, my designs were featured on design blogs and in design publications, I exhibited at trade fairs, had good working relationships with my customers, had lovely fans and most of all I made some great friends. And all of this from a business I started and ran single-handedly from my spare bedroom. So I raised a toast to freckleface and thought of all the good things that have been, and most importantly, got excited about whatever may happen next.
Here are some of my hundreds of designs!


Unknown said...

Oh My goodness I had no idea you used to have your own design card business your work looks amazing and so sweet no wonder it was a huge success. I feel rather sad that you had to give it all up and throw so much away. I adore your cup designs the cat one is adorable. Do you have plans to start it again? or something similar with a talent like yours it seems such a shame. But I understand home and family commitments. Hope your mum settles well into her new home. I raise my glass of martini to you and the next chapter in your life..Cheers :-) hugs dee xxx

Connie said...

These cards are so cute. So elfen. Do you suppose you would ever start up the business again?

Miss Simmonds Says said...

maybe if we lived closer and ever fancied going into business....
anyway, from what you said, it's sad losing the stock but the business was so successful! Selfridges! That's just amazing. I hope you've got a great weekend lined up, especially now as you've got a new playmate. Keep doing arty stuff. And FENCETASTIC - keep up the gardening too!

Curtise said...

So - it's good to have your mum nearby, and to be able to go strolling in Wollaton Park (went there many years ago when I had friends living in Wollaton.) And it's good to have a big fence if your neighbours are the frictional type... I'm with Robert Frost on the beneficial effects of fences on neighbourly relations!

However, the news about your Freckleface stock makes me very sad, Tania. I can't believe you were given such short notice to go and sort it. I would be beside myself; the fact that you have handled it so gracefully and positively shows what a wonderful person you are. You are fabulously talented, and your business was obviously a great success, you must be very proud of your achievements.
I'm holding out some hope that this is not the end. You are far too creative to let all those designs and ideas for gorgeous products disappear. What next for Frecklace? There may yet be a sequel!
Hope you have a delightful weekend, my dear! xxxx

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

I'm glad you managed to salvage your beautiful, precious stock - I'm not at all surprised you had such reputable, high-profile customers and an impressive fan base to boot, you have talent seeping from your pores!!! I hope your mum is settling into her new home, what a treat for you both:). What good neighbours you are to wait for next-doors to go away before making a racket, no-one would ever do that here in Brisbane! Glorious, beautiful garden!!! xoxoxo

Helga said...

You are such a fecking talented STAR, darling!!! Jaysus, an hour to sort all that out, and you've handled it with aplomb! I think the business of getting your Mama moved was probably way trickier and more emotionally involving.
Why, yes, as a keen house renovator etc, I AM fascinated and impressed by your new and spectacular fence! We need to add some trellis to just part of ours to give us and our neighbours a bit more privacy, actually. Must get onto that.Doesn't the cost of fencing blow your mind?! Doing it yourself is so much more reasonable, and nothing beats that self satisfaction.Fencing is something we have luckily not had to tackle!
Sounds like you need a jolly good rest and a gentle gin and tonic, gorgeous one. Would love to share one with you!

Krista said...

Tania you have such a good rock solid attitude! I'm so impressed at all of these beautiful happy creations you did, they are and always will be yours! You are obviously talented, driven and seem so kind I'm sure there are exciting things in your future. I'm just smitten by your stuff. Sorry to hear it ended like this, but I wish you all the best beautiful lady!

Vix said...

Bloody hell, what a week! The trauma of the move alone would probably have wiped me out let alone erect a bastard massive fence and have to rush to rescue your stock in less than an hour.
I'm sitting here with a Freckleface mug filled with coffee and admiring your ability to remain calm and cheerful.
With all you achieved with Freckleface I know that whatever project you embark upon in the future will be a rip roaring success.
Go on, paint that fence bubblegum pink and really piss 'em off!
Have a fantastic weekend. xxxxx

Anonymous said...

It has been a crazy few weeks! Mum is already so settled in her new place. What a treat for her to go to Wollaton Park with you.
So impressed that you have managed to get the fence up with everything else going on. At least now you will have some privacy!!
Like Curtise , I feel really sad that you only had an hour to collect your precious cards. Do admire your positive attitude though and am v excited about the new projects you are involved in which will keep freckleface alive and kicking xx

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Love those cards!! I hope your mom is liking her new home!

Ofelia said...

Tania, the designs, the colors and the concepts are lovely, colorful and freaking inspiring!
You made it on your won and even though is difficult to see a part of our lives finish; your talent still there and you can make whatever you what with it!
Th area where you mom lived was so beautiful and I like the new fence.
So consider of you to do it the neighbor were gone.
Have a great week,

Anonymous said...

Great !!

Monica Harmony's Blog

Sandra Martinez said...

Hi beautiful!! Thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate it like always :)
Great post, i like it very much!!
Come to see my new post at;

Marlen said...

How cool that Wayne Manor is right around the corner from you! And that must be fun having your mom so close by now. I've never lived far from home so I can only imagine how it must feel seeing your mom just a few times a year rather than regularly. Hopefully things will start slowing down for you a bit so it's not all so frenzied!

xo Marlen
Messages on a Napkin

mispapelicos said...

A toast to you, my dear friend.

Felicia Yohana said...

nice post!
thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, anyway
wanna follow each other? just let me know :)

bohemian vanity said...

Hey dear :) It's such a a lovely act to take your mom to your city! Guess your having fun together and hope she'll settle well!
And oh gosh your cards and stuff is soooo nice, love the mugs,they're too cute!!!
Hope everything works well for you in future and keep on being creative!
xxxx Tani

me said...

I really admire your way of viewing things. Cheers to what's next!!! It will be amazing! :)