Saturday, 3 January 2015

Bring me the finest wines known to humanity!

Hello everyone!

It's been a low key Christmas over here at freckleface. I've spent much of the time curled up with tissues, medicines and a complexion the colour of porridge.

I missed the parties, the meals out, the opportunities to dress up, so I have nothing very interesting to report. However, yesterday, feeling much better, I decided I needed to make up for lost time, so I put on my Christmas baubles and raised a glass to you.
Happy New Year to all you lovely people. I hope 2015 will be filled with happiness, adventure, and enough change to keep it exciting. xxx


Miss Magpie said...

Sorry to hear you have been stricken too, not that you can tell from this fabulous picture!
have a wonderful 2015. x x

Charis said...

Happy New Year! I hope that you are feeling better:)

Ivy Black said...

Cheers to you too darling. You look bloody fabulous in the photo not at all lurgified. Hope you're feeling better now and here's to a wondrous 2015.xxxxx

Curtise said...

Ooh, you look like an exotic and very gorgeous fortune teller - what's coming up in 2015, Madame Tan-Tan, do tell! Sorry to hear you were struck down over the festive season, but you can make up for lost time now, darling - cheers! xxx

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling back on form. Here's to happy times in 2015 xx

Connie said...

Oh my. Feeling crummy during the holidays is no fun. No fun at all. But the "grape cure" seems to be doing you an enormous amount of good. You look beautifully radiant in your turban and bangles, like a 1920's health godess. Cheers to you Iil' Freckleface.

Fiona said...

You look like you should be in a booth at the end of the pier. If I cross your palm with silver will you tell me when I am likely to get rid of this flaming cough? Isn't it tedious having the lurgy at xmas?
You look bloody gorgeous now so I take it you are feeling better?
Wishing you health, happiness and excitement in 2015. x

Lally said...

Oh so sorry to hear that you've been poorly! I hope you feel better soon. You look fab anyway, love the turban. Happy New Year! XX

Sue said...

Oh poor you, so unfair to be ill when the festive season is in full swing!! You can make up for it now tho'. Cheers back to you and all the best for 2015, may it bring bundles of happiness and good health and some very good purchases in the 'chazzas'.

Vix said...

Happy New Year to you and Q!
How do you look so beautiful in a turban and I look like I'm on day release?
Sorry you've not shaken off that lurgy. You need a holiday. xxxxx

Kylie said...

Hi Tania, I'm really sorry you are still crook - you will have a lot of celebratory making up to do this year. Christmas in July could be fun...
You look very glamorous in your turban - more Hedy Lamarr than fortune teller IMO.

Peaches McGinty said...

Happy New Year Lovely Lady *chinks glass as conveniently drinking wine right now too* - glad you are feeling better, you look absolutely divine btw x x x

Helga said...

Being sick over the festive season fecking sucks. Thank goodness you are over the trauma and into that DIVOON turban raising your glass high!
Jeez, we're well into the new year now........!!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I hope 2015 is your best year YET!! :)