Saturday, 27 October 2012

Give and take

So here I am down in the country at my mum's house, clearing things out. My arms are getting longer with each trip to the charity shop.

But as I give with one hand, I can't seem to help taking with the other. Here's a load of stuff for you Mrs Charity Shop Lady, oh and can I just have these few bits whilst I am here...

Today it all seems to be floral. I ummed and ahhed over this folk painted wooden bowl. I already have so many fruit bowls and most of the time they lie empty. But anyway, I succumbed and it turns out it is a mid century Russian Khokhloma bowl. Which is nice.

The little capodimonte flower trough will look good on the outside of my doll's house. As for the book, well, it was the cover that attracted me, such a lovely colour combination. According to Prima, it is 'Fatal Attraction with a twist'. I'm not expecting great things, but it will keep me out of trouble this week.


Anonymous said...

what a great colourful bowl!

freckleface said...

It really is quite joyful! :)