Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Serena's house part 2

When you get to the front door, you pull a little string to activate this really charming little bell. I love the vintage lace curtains and potted hebes on the front windows.Serena is a wonderfully talented painter. Here is her painting of Karikari bay in New Zealand, a place which is very special to her. It was the beach used for the filming of The Piano.

I love the use of textiles to add texture and colour.

She also made this gorgeous bird lamp with her own fair hands. Everywhere you look there is evidence of her creativity and love of making things. I find S and her home very inspiring.
A wood burning stove in the sitting room creates a really cosy ambience. Soft stripes in blue and white give a French country feel. Thanks for letting me visit Serena. xx

If you want to see some other house visits, have a peek here, here or here.


Ofelia said...

You have lovely and very talented people around you!
I love Serena's place so cozy and inviting but your sister's apartment is my favorite so far.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love that bell!! And a fireplace always makes a home more homey :)

Helga said...

Serena really has a warm and wonderful abode, full of interesting things.
I adore The Piano, it's one of my favourite films, and Serena's painting of the beach is splendid! XXX

lucy joy said...

I adore Serena's house. So many houses I've seen lately have been inspired by hotels! Even the 'quirky' features all tend to be the same (a giant Buddha head).
This house hasn't been 'styled' - it's a home with deep links to the owner. Real talent and a non-showy confidence. You can tell its welcoming and inspiring, I want to visit!

Lucy x

Curtise said...

Ahh, do you think Serena would invite us all round for tea and homemade cake and a gawp atover lovely home? She is clearly very talented and creative. Gorgeous painting, I love The Piano. xxxx

Frocktasia said...

I love that amazing bird lamp, what a fabulous and creative home she's got. I'd love to live in a home like this...xXx

Vix said...

Selena's house is just gorgeous, there's so much to coo over and admire. The birdcage lamp is wonderful - wildlife, that's what mine's missing! I love the bell by the door and the potted plants on the outside sill. Can we have part 3? xxx

Unknown said...

That lamp is amazing ;-) thank you for sharing her home i always like a nose around peoples homes it says so much about them. I love to see the different styles and tastes people put together. dee xx

Unknown said...

WHat a gorgeous place! I especially adore the bird lamp!! Sarah xxx

Kylie said...

Please tell Serena that I think her painting is beautiful.

Miss Simmonds Says said...

I especially love the chair and the l Lloyd loom cabinet!

mispapelicos said...

Love the atmosphere, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lakota said...

Gah, I think I hate her!

(just kidding, only jealous. She's very talented)