Sunday, 2 November 2014

A cape or a cloak: that is the question

This new to me Kinky Melon cloak caused something of a stir last night when it sailed forth on its maiden voyage to a Halloween Party.

Once the questions of whether I had come as the Snow Queen, Belle from Beauty and the Beast or Lucy from Narnia had been discussed and decided (I forget the outcome), and whether I wanted any more Paprika Pringles had been resolved (no, thanks, my mouth is on fire), the really important question was asked.
My Kinky Melon wonder, a purple woolen garment with arm holes, zip up the front and a chinchilla trimmed hood. When I first got it it was much wider across the shoulders, causing me to look rather Henry VIII in it. Since that wasn't the look I was hoping for, I dismantled the mantle and reassembled the ensemble. Now I feel like a princess in it!

Was it a cloak or a cape?!
These photos were taken on my return. Still awake past midnight! That's a pumpkin-coloured paisley empire line maxi dress I bought on our blogger's trip to Sheffield and that necklace is my Mum's from the 1980s. 

Not as easy a question as it sounds.

Was it to do with length? Was it to do with arm holes? Nobody knew.

Mobile phones came out. Research occurred. An answer was put forward, which makes sense, but it would be no fun just telling you, so do you know what the answer is?
Here we go, 1968, England. A small chunky Snow Princess with a bad haircut is holding court. 'I want the chariot with the red wheels!'

I sometimes wonder if my tastes now are simply about recreating my childhood. Look at my mum's shoes. I'd wear them any day of the week.

Early 1970s, Kuwait. Little Red Riding Hood is hanging out with a pixie, a clown and Cleopatra. She's holding a hen basket which I would kill to still have now and wearing a red tell me!


Ivy Black said...

Awwww. What a wee sweetie you were and still are. Yo are rocking the Kinky cloak...I nabbed a fabulous Kinky dress yesterday...goes a treat with that very autumnal frock.
I especially love those last pictures. You are certainly out there and the Pixie is a dude.
See you later, Snow Queen.

mondoagogo said...

I always thought it was that capes were shorter than cloaks. Either way it looks very regal in that shade or purple.

Love the old pics of you, must admit I quite fancy a pair of those soft brown cords!

Curtise said...

Hmmm, now that's a conundrum. I think I'd agree with Anna, and say a cloak is longer, and minus arm holes; a cape is shorter and has them. But I am only guessing and therefore entirely likely to be wrong! Whatever is is - coape? clake? - it's a purple fur-trimmed beauty. And I'm delighted to see that wonderful paisley frock getting an outing, after you did a very polite bit of haggling for it, as I recall!

I just love seeing blogger's post photos from their personal history - look how adorable you are! Clearly loving the cloak action even then. And concentrating VERY hard on riding that tricycle. Haven't you still got that white cardi? I'm sure you were wearing it in Walsall... You and the pixie co-ordinate nicely too, and your mum's shoes and hairband are fab!
I have often wondered if my taste in clothes is about recreating my eldest sister's wardrobe from around 1973, all lurex and platforms and hats and maxis. Interesting, isn't it, what we vintage freaks are drawn to? xxxx

Connie said...

Well Princess P, it is clear that you have always been a stylish princess. I love seeing your childhood photos. Cute And A Half!! And the pumpkin maxi looks like the perfect dress for you. As for the clape, I have no idea what's what. I do know that it is pretty amazing.

Miss Magpie said...

I have no comment to make about the clock/cape conundrum I'm too busy hyperventilating over your chicken basket!?!

Krista said...

Don't you just look exquisite in your oumkin colored dress and kinky melons cape!?! I'm so envious you gals get to shop Vix's amazing shop! I'm going to agree with all the ladies about a cape bring shorter and having arm holes. Might I add how cute you were as a kid! I mean omg look at you, not much as changed:)

I wore the necklace you made me yesterday, it made me very happy having it round my neck, thanks again for my treasures. I love your art!

Vix said...

I've never pondered on capes and cloaks before, I need to check what my dressmaking patterns say, do cloaks have hoods and capes don't? Either way yours looks blinking gorgeous and fabulous with the Bloggers Day Out Dress.
You are adorable as a baby snow princess. I think we must have had the same hairdresser as children, I had a wonky serial killer fringe, too.
Is that a young David Bowie in front of you, doing a dress rehearsal for the Ashes To Ashes video? xxxxx

Helga said...

Good question. My thoughts are that a cape is shorter, and a cloak is long?! I think I'll just go with that....I fecking LOVE it, I'm sure it's a twin to mine, and how fecking bloody ADORABLE are you in your icey blue one as a toddler!! JAYSUS! And then the red...ahuh, a lifetime of cape/cloak loving. Funny, I have noticed recently that my outfits are very similar to what Mama dressed me in as a littley....are we regressing?! YES! Do we care?! NO!!!
Love you! XXX

Fiona said...

Don't ask me love, I thought Batman wore a cape but that didn't have armholes did it? Too restrictive when punching The Penguin...Kerpow!
Ahem, I digress. I can only comment on the lusciousness (?) of your recent purchase with brilliant alterations and the gorgeous frock underneath. Loved seeing your childhood snaps, I too had a fringe which was cut with a knife and fork!

Sue said...

Whatever you want to call it, it is stunning! Love the chicken basket too, if only we had somewhere to stash the things from our childhood?!

Peaches McGinty said...

oooh I don't know! but my goodness your cloak/cape is divine, it's perfect on you (you are totally gorgeous btw) and your orange maxi is beautiful, I love these photo's - you are the most adorable baby snow Princess, and with a marabou trim! and colour pics! ours seem to be black and white for years, and I look faintly evil on them (black hair & blue eyes) - the hen basket is magnificent x x x

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I don't know a lot about the difference between the two, except that with a cape you can me a superhero!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously cute from start to finish. You rock capes / cloaks!