Friday 19 October 2012

Log faces and a log cabin

There are logs stacked in our fireplace from the pear tree we had to take down in the garden. When I look at them I can see faces. I see an old babushka and her younger relative and they seem to be protesting loudly. 'Why are you on top of me, you are so heavy!' Or something to that effect. Can you see it? The face above them is sleeping peacefully, so I think they might just like complaining.

I imagine that before they came to live in my fireplace they lived somewhere like this.

Here is one of the pictures to whet your appetite. I love this. Folk art at its best.

russian pensioner olga kostina used 30,000 plastic bottle caps to decorate her home
image © reuters / ilya naymushin


Olivia said...

Love all the logs. Have you had your first fire of the season yet? xx

freckleface said...

I've had a bonfire! Does that count? xx