Sunday, 23 June 2013

Art with a heart and a new collaboration

I have been honoured to be the subject of not one but two portraits this week! This first one is courtesy of a young man of my acquaintance. As you can see he has signed it. This work is called 'Tania' by Ross xx. I adore it - look at my big hair and huge eyes! And that is a party dress I am wearing by the way.

Well, then, the lovely Clare of Miss Simmonds Says put out a call for models. I was a bit late because I was watching a rather glorious film about Genghis Khan, but she very kindly squeezed me in. And here I am. Waiting for the milk man! Look at that eyebrow. Makes me laugh every time. Thanks Clare, you are amazingly talented.

Ross's artwork adorned the parcel of some samples I received from his Mum and Dad who are the talented owners of Cardtastic, the company which has decided to licence freckleface cards. Very exciting news for me and a really happy collaboration.


Kylie said...

Gorgeous cards Tania. My faves are your "That's all folks" range because they especially remind me of you. I will buy some if I can. You are a clever clogs. Stick figures are my speciality. Ha!
I'm loving your portraits too x

Anonymous said...

How sweet of Ross and how wonderful to have Miss Simmonds draw you too! I was just having a gander at the new range at Cardtastic. Your designs really take to the smaller size and all look great! Exciting times xx

Fiona said...

Two portraits! How flattering, Ross' is adorable. Your cards are gorgeous, what a talented freckleface you are.

Miss Simmonds Says said...

does this mean you're back in business? Fabulous! I'm so pleased you like your poor-trait! And Ross is a budding artist too! xxxx

mispapelicos said...

Wonderful art, and magic You, dear friend.

Vix said...

Imortalised in art! I love Ross's sketch and Clare's captured the little sauce pot that you are!
Is Freckleface back? I do hope so. I gave Liz one of your cards for her birthday yesterday and everyone loved it. I'll place an order! xxxx

Helga said...

Holy macerel, baby! That's AWESOME news!!! I wonder if we can get them all the way doooown here?!
Lovely artworks, both of them!!! They both draw on your best and most gorgeous attributes...of which there are many! Such a treat to be singled out not once, but TWICE! SQUEE!
I did indeed enjoy having curls! I'm inspired to do it more often, as they give me much needed volume!

Curtise said...

Two beautiful portraits of beautiful you, Tania! Clare's definitely captures your naughty side, but how does Ross know what you look like after a few Wetherspoons' cocktails? It's uncannily accurate!
Excellent news about the return of Freckleface designs - cardtastic indeed! I am delighted to hear your work is going to be out there, you are so talented.
Now I am playing catch-up so am off to check out your previous post. Honestly, a couple of days off and I am SO behind with my comments... xxxxx

Ofelia said...

How lovely you look on both! And congratulation on the licence deal!!!!!

Connie said...

Hooray! I love your cards! You are worthy of works of art.

two squirrels said...

Little people drawing are always magical.......
The cards are so cute, just love them...yay.
Love V

bohemian vanity said...

Those cards are so lovely and cute! Your portraits are pretty, i esp love the 1st one from Ross :)
Have a fab day ! xx Tani

Hannapat said...

Loving those gorgeous portraits of you, they are soo cute!!! I am in awe with your cards, of my they are AMAZING!!!! So that's me Im off to have another nosy (you clever girl!!!) xoxo

Hannapat said...

Forgot to add, where can we buy them? Also thank you for your lovely comments over at mine xoxo

Optimistic Existentialist said...

The subject of two portraits in one week?? Total awesomeness.

Cardtastic said...

Ross (3yrs) was delighted when I read him the great comments last night. “I’m on the internet” he said!

We are also delighted to be working with such lovely images from the wonderfully talented Tania!

@Kylie, @Helga!, @Hannahpat: you can buy freckleface cards online at Cardtastic!

me said...

WOW on all counts!!!! Congrats getting the cards licensed! As for the art, I'm a bit envious as well as completely charmed by Ross's portrait of you! :D Enjoy them, they're lovely!

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Hooray for celeb artists drawing your portrait! I think Ross smitten by you, so don't be surprised if the next one is of you and him playing on the swings:). Clare's portrait of you is amazing! Isn't she so talented? Gotta love that girl! xo

Krista said...

Nothing I mean nothing beats hand drawn affection from kids, I have a cherished pile of them and I love having a lot through when life gets me down. Clare's portrait is hilarious I do love the cocked brow too! I'm so happy your cards get another chane they are too gorgeous and happy to be shelved. Best of luck sweetie!