Monday, 18 November 2013

Poser turned clothes detective: it's all about the labels

This old dog has learned a new trick! I've figured out how to pose, use a tripod and do a self timer, all at the same time. My life is complete.

To answer your question, yes, I did buy the dress! I love it! It is so glamorous and after a week of calorie counting, I managed to get my belly enough under control that it isn't all I see when I wear it. The fabric is beautifully soft. It is woven into a sort of padded effect brocade with a soft yellow silk and a gold thread. I particularly love the bow feature on the front.

When I saw the label, it looked familiar, but I couldn't quite figure out why. 'Global, styled in Paris, made in the British Crown colony of Hong Kong.'

But then when I got home, all was revealed. It was the same label as another great favourite of mine, this green and gold beauty.
Unstyled, unaccessorised. Just me and the dress. I was in a rush, needed to get my act together to go and see my mum and go to the supermarket. Poser, clothes detective, carer, housewife. Then there's tennis later and making tea. Athlete and cook. Wow, these labels are making me sound good.

I was a bit puzzled, because when I held them both up together, the yellow dress, which is a size 14 looked to be the same size as the green, which is a size 12. 

A bit of detective work and I have discovered that the yellow one has been taken up and taken in. Mystery solved. I have spent rather a happy half an hour being a vintage clothing detective! That degree in Fashion Textiles has come in useful after all.

Anyway I did a bit more digging and it turns out that the heyday for garments bearing this type of label was the late 1950s and early 1960s. Labour and fabrics were very cheap, Hong Kong was keen to manufacture and so a clothing industry boomed, which focused on Western styles that could be exported. These Asian exports were well finished and had that famous beadwork which was so loved in the 50s and 60s. Apparently a lot of unknown designers went there to work and gain experience. 

How about you, what labels describe the roles you have played today? Have you got any dresses made in the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong? Give us a twirl!


mispapelicos said...

Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww sooooooooo clever and sooooooooooooo beautiful.
I love both dresses on you.
Keep it up, my friend.
Have a fantastic Monday.
Ps: I thought I was following you on Bloglovin too, but I wasn´t, bur NOW I AM,yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Vix said...

You look gorgeous! Check out your model girl pose and figure.
It's funny, I was chatting to a lady yesterday who told me that all she could think about was whether you'd bought that dress and was so relieved to watch Serena's video and discover that you had.
Fancy having two Global frocks. The green one's an absolute stunner, too.
I get a secret kick from finding "Made In Hong Kong" in clothes as we were brought up believing anything made there was cheap and nasty!

Unknown said...

Wow you look stunning. I love both dresses but I love the shape of the second one. I am sure I have a green sequined two piece that has those words on it I must look it out and see now. dee xx

daiseedeb said...

These are beautiful! What great finds. And such interesting history. Not to mention how fab you look it them!
; )

Connie said...

Oh you are definitely a real model! So beautiful. You look like a holiday gift in these dresses. I'm especially fond of second hand things that have been altered. If it doesn't fit I'll MAKE it fit, dammit! <3

two squirrels said...

Wow you look just stunning in both dresses sweet.......oh yes we do love a little label detective work. The mystery of, how did this beautiful garment finally come to me is always an amazing story.
Super model....gorgeous.
Love v

Krista said...

Check you out professional blogger girl! YAH you bought the dress, I'm so happy you did. It really is a stunner on you and how funny that you had another by the same maker. I love all the research you did and the story you shared. The second dress is beautiful too, as are you with no shoes on just looking so naturally adorable!!!! spell check changed adorable to doable, now that would have been funny to leave :)

Vintage Coconut said...

Gosh both of those dresses are just beautiful!
I am always a sucker for the shiny ones. I have spent many of hours on Etsy and Ebay searching for them and admiring them.
You look lovely!

Curtise said...

Gorgeous you! And we must award you with Professional Blogger Status, now you have a tripod and have got to grips with the self-timer - yes, that's all it takes...
That frock from Hopkinson's is just beautiful, as are you wearing it (get away, no teddy tum there!) and you already had another Global dress all along! I love the green and gold one just as much, aren't they bright and glamorous?
Yes, I do have a dress from Hong Kong, it's labelled Ocean Terminus, Kowloon. It's one of my very favourites. I'll wear it later in the week and show you.
Labels... In addition to Chief Cook and Bottlewasher, Matriarch and Pride of the PTA, I can now add Worker Bee! First day - I hate feeling so incompetent! Xxxxxx

Optimistic Existentialist said...

You look so lovely in green!!

Helga said...

Bugger, I have no frocks made in Honkers, therefore I clearly am not able to carry all these labels and thus life my life in ecstasy!!!
I am so happy you got that frock, it's just gorgeous!!! (My trick is big girl panties to keep my tummy obsession at bay)Fancy you already having a frock form the same stable!!! And just as divoon!
You are a clever, multi talented wench!!! LOVE! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Sweet baby jaysus! What a hot wench you are, looking like you stepped straight out of a poolside cocktail party at the Kowloon Yacht Club!!!! You were MADE to wear these glam frock darling woman ... MADE for them!!!!!!!! I have several heavily beaded and sequinned tops made in Hong Kong during the same era and I must agree, the quality and finishings are superb, still to this day. Marvellous darling!!! xoxoxo

Kylie said...

Two beautiful frocks and a very beautiful woman wearing them x

Indigo Violet said...

I particularly like your green dress, as it hangs so beautifully due to the stiffness of the fabric. Back in June I wrote a blog post about an 1963 catalogue from a Hong Kong tailor. No dresses as beautiful as yours but it still may interest you!

bohemian vanity said...

Oh my! You are so beautiful and those pretty dresses fit like a dream! The first is very nice but the second is my fave, it's just stunning with this bright green color!!! I want something similar to wear on Christmas!!! Guess i'll have a look on ebay tonight.
Oh and i'm jealous of your slight figure, wish i could do some calorie counting too but i love food more...
I did that label detective work once but i found nothing, haha maybe my vintage stuff isn't famous enough.
Have a fab day!!! xx Tani

Vintage Bird Girl said...

I'm so glad you bought the dress. It looks amazing on you. So funny that you have two glorious frocks from the same label. Xx

Ivy Black said...

Phwoarrr! You look stunning and both frocks are gorgeous. Excellent bit of label detective

Vanessa said...

The dresses are gorgeous and look beautiful on you. :) I'm the same way , don't like posing/self-portraits myself!

Fiona said...

Well've cracked it. Even though I have the tripod, the remote gizmo and take a squillion pics, I still think I look as rough as a badgers arse most of the time. You look gorgeous in these beautiful brocade frocks, sadly I have none from Honkers.

Hannapat said...

You look amazing and how lucky to find these gorgeous dresses. I am so impressed with that flat tummy and also I think I might just NEEEED that green dress, so adopt another label, dress sharer??! How does that sound? xoxo

Anonymous said...

Well look at you Swell Belle!You seem to have a knack for tracking down the lovliest dresses xx

his_girl_friday said...

Those dresses are GORGEOUS! I am green and gold with envy! They are perfect for the holidays.

joyatri said...

I, too, love playing clothing detective. Both of those dresses are beauties!

me said...

I'm drooling over these.... You look stunning!!! Enjoy them!!!