Monday, 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas 2012

I want to wish you all a Happy Christmas and to say thank you so much for all your support this year.

Thank you to everyone who reads, those who follow and most of all to those of you that take the time to comment either on the blog or privately. It is very kind of you and so much appreciated. 

Whatever you are doing, I hope you have some good times over the 'holiday' period, either with family, friends or just having some you time, and that you end up refreshed and ready for a new year. x


Vix said...

Happy Christmas to you!
I'm a bit behind and have just read yesterday's post. I've been nagging Jon to find us a vintage caravan to do up and make into a shop, I'm off to show him this and nag him even more! xxxx

freckleface said...

Happy Christmas to you too Vix!

That would be such a fun thing to do, go nag the boy into submission! And then come over to the E Mids and sell us lots of your lovely stuff! I need a bit of excitement. xxx

Miss Simmonds Says said...

Lovely photo. Merry Christmas!

olivia said...

Looking forward to lots of lovely new blogs in 2013 xx

Unknown said...

Wish you happy holidays!

Kisses, Lucy:)

Ofelia said...

I just read your blog for the first time and I love your writing and fashion and decorating styles!
I'll be stopping by often...
Hope that you have a fun new years' celebration.

Renia said...

Bardzo ładny blog:))mam wrażenie że są na nim motywy Polskie:)))Pozdrawiam

freckleface said...

"Very nice blog :)) I have a feeling that they are on the motives Polish :))) Regards"

Thanks Renia, I don't know any Polish but Happy New Year to you! :) Szczesliwego Nowego roku!

Curtise said...

Hope you had a great Christmas, and happy new year!