Sunday 10 February 2013

Happy Chinese New Year

May the year of the Snake be auspicious.

I came across this story which I thought was quite fitting for today.

This painting, 'Chinese Girl' popularly known as the Green Lady, by Tretchikoff is due to go up for auction next month. It will be only the second time it has been sold. The first time was by the artist to an  American lady and now her family is selling it.

The model was a lady called Monica Pon and here she is recreating the look. Very much in keeping with what Clare has been doing recently on her wonderful blog.

Not as well known, but here is Alicia Markova immortalised as the Dying Swan.

I wondered what it must feel like to be a muse, to know there is a likeness of yourself gracing thousands of strangers' walls?

And then I remembered.

Here's a his 'n hers claim to fame. It might not be popular art, but look! We inspired matching horror book illustrations!

So, two questions. Firstly, do you have a favourite Tretchikoff and secondly, any claims to fame?

I also wanted to say thank you so much for your lovely comments on my last blog post. You really are so very kind. xx


ric-rac said...

I have one claim to fame. My uncle carried the Black Magic chocolate box in the advert in the seventies. As kids we would get so excited when it came on the TV which is odd because I hadn't actually ever met him. Recently my Mum tracked him down after researching our family tree and we met for a big family reunion. He is old and grey now and not the suave sophisticated man I remember from the ads but very nice to meet him and find out about his luvie life : )

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I have no claims to fame :) but there's always time! :)

Miss Simmonds Says said...

Wow! Excellent book covers! They're very 80s. Years ago, I decided not to buy a copy of The Green Lady for £3.99 in Oxfam... what an idiot. But I did buy a book by Wayne Hemmingway (who owns a painting of mine, probably in the loo or something)called "Just Above The Mantlepiece" which is all about Tretchikoff, Lynch and Big Eye Children

Ofelia said...

My only claim to fame is my connection with the many friends that I had over the years and of course my girls upbringing.
I seeing the painting before but didn't know anything about Tretchikoff.
After reading your post I research him and his work; my favorite of his painting is the Fruits of Bali. Thanks for the introduction.

Helga said...

No claim to fame here, that I can think of! (yet!) Book covers are pretty awesome, though!
Tretchikoff is so fabuarse, I wish I owned one of his prints, dammit. Prettyhard to find around here these days. I don't think I have a specific fave, any would make me very happy! I'm so thrilled they became such cult items, I don't think they were considered to be anything special at the time?

Vix said...

I used to be a life model to help pay my rent back in the old days, I'm not sure if anyone famous ever drew me but I was known locally as "The Body".
Love Trechnikoff, my favourite is Hindu Dancer but The Green Lady's a close secod, mine was £6 from a boot sale years ago, the price people ask on eBay is mental! xxx

Unknown said...

Happy Chinese new year to you !!

Love these illustrations cool to post this ;)


me said...

Very cool book covers!
No claims to fame... YET! ;)

Happy Year Of The Snake!

Olivia said...

Great book covers! My claim to fame is singing, "I know a cow called Daisy" very loudly on Kuwaiti tv many many moons ago! I like to think it was a bit of a classic performance. :) xx

Curtise said...

Is that you and your Mr? Very cool, you ARE art, darling!
I love seeing the art next to the real person who inspired it, though I feel a bit sorry for Monica. Both image of Alicia Markova is gorgeous.
Oh those Tretchikoffs fetch crazy money now, don't they? Don't suppose I will ever have one, or a claim to fame, for that matter! xxxxx

Unknown said...

My claim to fame is that I've been immortalised by darling Clare!

Sarah xxx

mispapelicos said...

No claim to fame at all.
great post.

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

The Door to December is probably the most scary book I've ever read. thanks for reminder.

Very nice facts - didn't know anything about it

Inside and Outside Blog

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Hmmm, claims to fame. Erm, well I was on the cover of Twinkle when I was 4!

Here I am!

Kylie said...

We have Chinese Girl hanging in our lounge room. I do love it (her). Monica Pon looks just as gorgeous now (maybe even more so?) as she did when Tretchikoff painted her.
My claim to fame? Winning the shiniest shoes competition in Grade Seven! (a huge family joke - so I had to mention it)