Saturday, 2 February 2013

Tennis, friends and cake

I was called a little minx at tennis on Thursday. A while ago I was named The Smiling Assassin. But mainly they just tweak my plaits and call me Pocahontas.

I do love a nickname.

This is my tennis racket from school. No expense spared, this was Woolworth's finest. When I first took up tennis again a few years ago, I innocently brought this racket along. The girls had a good old laugh, cheeky buggers. 

They nicknamed him Woody. Lord Woody of Winfield.

The man of the house said I should have recreated this Athena poster. Dream on.
I have a nice weekend of friends coming over. So I baked a cake. Banana tea bread. It's a bit dry if I'm honest...
My first visitor was my lovely friend Serena. She brought me this adorable key ring which she made herself. The little sachet smells of lavender. Heavenly!

Serena and I met when we played touch rugby together, so this post has turned out a bit sporty. Very fitting with the Six Nations cup starting this weekend. Will you be watching?
2009 was a good year, we won the league!

To help get you in the mood, here is Dan Carter who plays for the All Blacks. 


Vix said...

Touch rugby, tennis? You're a woman of so many talents, aren't you?
You look gorgeous in your tennis gear, much classier than the Athena arse scratcher!
I'm cackling over Lord Woody of Winfield.
Your friend and her lavender bag are both lovely, you've got me in a state of panic now as I've nothing other than wine to present our hosts with later...time to ransack the wardrobe.
No sport for me, unless you count the 1 mile hike in heels I'll be doing later! xxx

freckleface said...

Oh don't worry, I'm not much good at either of them :D But I DO love to chase a ball! I think I must have been a dog in my last life. But I'm coming back as a cat, that's non-negotiable.
Ah but you are the Queen of swimming and yoga and with lovely results!
Have a great time at your dinner party and go steady on those heels xxx

Frocktasia said...

I think Lord Woody of Winfield is a handsome looking racket but then again I don't play tennis. I did try it once at a take your pick PE day at school but I was absolutely USELESS, couldn't hit the ball for love nor money. I do like ball sports though, I was rather nifty at basketball and I absolutely loved playing handball at school.
You look fab in your tennis get-up and I agree with Vix, far classier than the Athena arse scratcher ;)

Curtise said...

So no Lady Athena of the Dropped Knickers and the Drop Volley? Come on, Tania, think of the fun to be had with nicknames at the tennis club if you DO turn up to play sans undies...
You look cute as a button in your Pocohontas plaits! And oh yes, I do remember the days of the wooden framed tennis racket, and the wooden press to stop it from warping. Lord Woody looks perfectly good to me! You are obviously quite the sporty type, which puts me to shame... I walk, and that's it! xxxxx

Kylie said...

I know for a fact that my husband had that Athena pic behind the door of his dorm at boarding school. Ewwww! Slightly off when you think of all those grubby school boys oggling (etc) her, but it's actually a pretty cool photo isn't it.
I love tennis...watching it.

mispapelicos said...

You are sporty indeed. All I do is walk, LOl
Much love.

Olivia said...

You are too far too modest about your tennis skills! Even with Lord Woody, you have got some serious wack on that forehand! Is it good to be back on the court after your injury?
Btw, that Tretchikoff print looks great in your sitting room xx

me said...

The pics of you in your tennis gear are awesome!!! And I love your old school racket! Also, the lavender key chain is adorable. :)

Enjoy your weekend!

PS- Dan Carter is HOT! :D

Ofelia said...

Tennis, rugby, baking, getting together with friends and the possibility of nudity: sound like a perfect post!
You are wonderfully fit, my dear.

Helga said...

RUGGER!!! I don't mind a bit of rugby.I don't fancy Dan, though.
Great nicknames! You look like a sexy little minx, allright! I think Kylie recreated that poster at one point.
I used to play squash, but injured myself too many times! Loved it, it suits my aggressiveness! I just cycle, walk and occasionally swim these days, but was very sporty in my youth.

Unknown said...

Sports... I've heard of it!

You're my hero - tennis and other sports and things and tennis and handsome yummy men and arses - this post has everything!

Sarah xxx

freckleface said...

You're all so funny, I've really had a laugh over all these comments. Thank you. xxx

Miss Simmonds Says said...

I'm so unsporty but I'd love to play tennis with you! You look so cute, but I bet you're evil! Mmmm banana loaf... You know what stops it being dry? Slathering it with butter when it's warm. Lavender sachets are a favorite of mine xxx